NiQuitin 4 mg comprimidos para chupar


Mint flavored tablets that help quit smoking by relieving the anxiety caused by the lack of snuff


What NIQUITIN is and what it is used for
NiQuitin is used to help stop smoking. This type of treatment is called Nicotine Replacement Therapy or TSN.
The nicotine in cigarettes is what can make you physically addicted to them.
NiQuitin helps you quit smoking by replacing some of the nicotine that cigarettes provide.
This nicotine alleviates some of the unpleasant symptoms that smokers may have when trying to quit smoking. These symptoms include feeling bad or irritable.
Nicotine can also ease your anxiety from a cigarette and help you resist the urge to smoke.

NiQuitin does not present the same health hazards as tobacco. This is because it does not contain the tar, carbon monoxide, or other toxins that cigarette smoke contains. Some people are concerned that after they quit smoking, they may become dependent on nicotine lozenges. This is very rare, and if it happens, it is less harmful than continuing to smoke. Anyway, it is an easier habit to break.

Your chances of quitting smoking will improve if you participate in a support program. These "smoking cessation programs" are known as behavioral supports. For information on smoking cessation programs please consult a healthcare professional.

Always use NiQuitin exactly as directed in this leaflet. You should consult a healthcare professional if you are not sure how to use it.
Insert a sucking tablet into your mouth and occasionally move it from one side of your mouth to the other, until it is completely dissolved. It could take about 10 minutes. Do not chew the tablet to suck or swallow it whole.
Do not use more than 15 tablets to suck per day.
If you need treatment with this medicine for more than 9 months in a row, you should consult a health professional.

Adults (over 18 years old).
    Start using 1 tablet each time you have an urge to smoke, up to 8 to 12 sucking tablets per day.
    Continue like this for up to 6 weeks, then gradually reduce the number of tablets you use per day.
    When you use 1 or 2 tablets to suck daily, stop using them.
After you have successfully quit smoking, you may suddenly feel like going back to smoking, if this happens you can go back to using 1 tablet.

Adolescents (12 to 17 years old)
NiQuitin can only be used with the advice of a healthcare professional.

Do not exceed the indicated dose. Follow the instructions carefully and do not take more than 15 tablets a day (24 hours).

Children under the age of 12 cannot use NiQuitin.

This medicine is for oral use. This means that the nicotine in the lozenges is slowly released into the mouth, where it is absorbed and passes into the body.

If you are tempted to go back to smoking
If you:
    you are concerned that you will smoke again
    you have difficulty stopping the sucking tablets completely
You should consult a health professional

If you start smoking again, they can advise you on how to get the best results from subsequent TSN treatments.

If you take more NiQuitin than you should:
If you take more NiQuitin than you should, you may start to feel sick, dizzy, or unwell. Stop using the sucking tablets and see a doctor immediately or go to a hospital emergency department. If possible, take the medicine pack or this leaflet.

Sucking tablets are not suitable for children under 12 years or non-smokers. Sucking tablets or children may show signs of nicotine overdose. These include headaches, nausea, stomach pains, and diarrhea. If a child has used or eaten a sucking tablet, consult your doctor immediately or go to the nearest hospital emergency department. If possible, show them the medicine or this leaflet.

If you have any questions about the use of this medicine, ask your healthcare professional.