Corega Extra Fuerte 70 g


Denture fixative cream for a strong all day fixation


Corega Extra Fuerte is an adhesive denture cream formulated for an all-day 3D fixation.
It is comfortable and does not irritate the gums.
Prevents food particles from entering
Suitable for upper and lower prostheses, complete or partial.
Neutral flavor.

The first time you should use a small amount and then use more if it was not enough.
Applying too much adhesive cream is not convenient because it could overshoot the prosthesis.
It usually takes several tries to find the right amount of adhesive cream for each case.

To place the prosthesis:
1/ Clean and dry dentures well.
2/ Apply a small amount of Corega Extra Strong in short strips and without getting too close to the edges of the prosthesis.
3/ Rinse mouth with water.
4/ Adjust and press the prosthesis for a few seconds so that it is securely fastened.

To remove the prosthesis:
1/ Rinse mouth with water.
2/ With a rolling motion, slowly remove the denture.
3/ Use a soft toothbrush to remove the adhesive cream from the mouth and the prosthesis.
4/ Use cleaning tablets to keep the prosthesis clean.

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